I revel in the encounters with God that have lots of supernatural experience, demonstration and high octane impact! It’s phenomenal when God does supernatural things like healing someone, giving a precise word of encouragement or insight, providing a supernatural funding or a colossal coincidence that could only be orchestrated by God. I love these kinds of supernatural engagements and experiencing God’s fingerprints in our human existence!
At the same time, there’s much to be said for what could seem mundane in the simple walking with God. I’m thinking about this in relation to my day yesterday that had some interesting walking in it. When I think back over the walking I did yesterday, it had some very helpful experiences:
- Destination – I walked a lot to get to various places like showing up for interviews, meeting with people, getting lunch, catching airplanes to get home and walking to my car in the snow. Let’s appreciate that walking with God is the incremental progress we experience with God, as we walk out God’s purposes and blueprint in our lives, one step and one day at a time. Walking with God can lead us through all kinds of environments and encounters
- Supernatural – in the midst of walking yesterday, I bumped into a guy whom I’ve never met and he proceeded to speak to me from God, telling me things that I’d only talked about in my solo quiet time with God. It was a really powerful experience for me, in the midst of walking to my next appointment. I’m very grateful that God does supernatural stuff in the midst of what can seem mundane.
- Communication – there’s much to be said for walking and talking, which I’ve found to be one of the best contexts for dialoguing with God. Indeed, when I was growing up, we used to sing a hymn with these words, “And He walks with me and He talks with me and He tells me I am His own, . . .” As I age, I find these words to resonate in my soul as a counter-point to the cacophony of noise and activities that try to overflow the divine limits in 24 hour increments. There is much value for walking and talking with God throughout each day!
- Heat – it was snowing and cold yesterday when I was waiting to catch the bus from the airport back to my car. The longer I stood in line, immobile, the colder I became. So I decided to pace up and down the sidewalk as I waited for the bus, keeping warmer than standing still and turning into an icicle. In a similar way, I think walking with God can keep us warm, active, compassionate and agile. When we aren’t moving with God, maybe we can get cold, rigid and dull.
When we think about walking, it can seem to be something dull and easy to overlook. However, let’s remember that walking and talking with God in our day to day living is a really powerful way to grow in knowing God better and more deeply! Let’s keep walking and talking