What are some of the low points that you’ve experienced in life? Have you had some setbacks or failures that have tripped you up? Low point experiences can bring us to our knees and cause us to be fully attentive to Jesus, praying for His help, intervention, wisdom, participation and presence.
When I think about coming to Jesus for help in these low points, I’m reminded of several people who fell at Jesus’ feet and had some really incredible experiences. As you consider these examples, be aware of how Jesus could participate in your life.
- Mary, Martha’s sister was at Jesus’ feet three times. In Luke 10:41, she’s sitting at Jesus’ feet listening to Him teach. In John 11, she falls at Jesus’ feet, unraveled in grief from the death of her brother. In John 12, she washes Jesus’ feet at dinner and anoints them with oil – a display of devotion and love. Mary chose to stay at Jesus’ feet no matter what was happening around her.
- The man healed from demon possession at the end of Luke 8 was found sitting at Jesus’ feet, clothed and in his right mind. This man had been horribly tormented by demons and yet Jesus stepped into his torture, expelled the demons, saved and restored the man.
- In Luke 7, a sinner woman shows up at a Pharisee’s house to wash Jesus’ feet, kissing and anointing them. The religious leaders are appalled at her intrusion and actions, but Jesus calls them to task for their absence of love. He validates the woman by acknowledging her great love and His generous forgiveness. “He who has been forgiven much loves much.”
There is much that we can learn and apply from seeing these people and experiences that happened at Jesus’ feet. We can receive forgiveness for the plethora of our sins and failures. We can be saved and made whole from any kind of demonic activity in our lives. And we can learn, grieve, weep and love well at Jesus’ feet. As you consider these experiences, it could also be helpful to remember that Jesus washed the feet of His disciples and instructed them to do the same, to serve and minister to others, as His devoted follower.
The low points in our lives can have tremendous high points if we keep Jesus in the center of everything!