Holy buckets and what the heck!?!?!! Last weekend, I woke up to the news about Hamas attacking Israel and I’ve kept myself somewhat current on what’s transpiring in one of the world’s most significant powder kegs. The things that are currently happening in the Middle East are a continuation of conflicts, atrocities, survival, tensions and convictions that are a part of the history and culture in this part of the world, unfortunately.
Indeed, it’s wise to look at the events happening in this geography now and benchmark the present against the backdrop of history. This region has overflowed with brutalities and unrest, along with religious tensions, hospitality and tragic misunderstandings. The area that we know as modern day Israel has experienced no shortage of invaders, temporary power shifts, military coups and bloodletting over the course of history.
Here are a few examples of significant historical struggles in modern day Israel:
- Nebuchadnezzar, a Babylonian Emperor before Jesus’ birth, invaded and conquered Israel, taking many of the leaders of Israel into captivity into modern day Iraq.
- The Roman general Titus (approximately 70 CE) invaded this area and facilitated horrific atrocities to increase Roman power. Titus later became the Roman Emperor.
- During the Ottoman rule, after the Roman Empire, there was a little more acceptance for Jewish existence in the Middle East.
- After the Inquisition in Europe, Jews came to the area that we know today as Israel. These European Jews settled into this geography to escape the persecution and animosity that was common in both Europe and Russia with the pogroms.
- On the heels of the Holocaust, the nation of Israel was established in 1948, consequent to British occupation of this region.
With the founding of Israel as a nation on this highly disputed piece of land, there have been many struggles and unresolved conflicts. What we read about and see in the news today is a continuation of millennium of conflicts and bloodshed on this land.
So, what does all this mean to us today? What do the actions of Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinian Authority, Likud, Israel Defense Forces and others mean with modern day Israel? How does all of this play out for Palestinians and Jews who live in these long-disputed areas?
Obviously, we can be extremely concerned about the potential global implications of what’s presently happening in Israel, considering the alignment of various nations with the respective sides. And you can most definitely find yourself supportive of various perspectives and causes, with justified and biblical validation.
As a follower of Jesus, what are some helpful things we can do? Here are a few suggestions:
- Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, based on Psalm 122:6
- Keep your focus on Jesus, letting Him be the anchor for your soul, based on Hebrews 12:2
- Let love shape your perspective and interactions on the present volatility in Israel, based on 1 Corinthians 16:14
As I finish this blog, I would like us to maintain prayer for Israel at the expense of worry and anxiety!