Hunting for the perfect Christmas gift can be challenging, particularly if someone is picky or already has everything they could need or want. To solve this problem, marketing experts have plenty of suggestions for the perfect Christmas gift, ranging from pj’s with pet pictures to marijuana candy canes. If these would be my choices, I’d keep looking in hopes of finding something less “perfect.”
Thankfully, God gave us the Perfect Gift when Jesus came into human existence. Let’s consider, however, that lots of people searched for Jesus. For example, we read about the wisemen in Matthew 2 and their search for the newborn King. They set off on a two-year journey, looking for the “King of the Jews,” as directed by a unique star. They landed in Jerusalem, and their words in Matthew 2:2 reveal their search to find the King of the Jews. In this verse, we read, “‘Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.’” These wisemen set off on a journey, seeking the King whose star began the whole treasure hunt.
Do you ever wonder what it was like for the wisemen to follow that particular star every night, traveling a great distance to search for a baby who was the King of the Jews? Did they mostly travel at night so they could accurately follow the star? Sometimes our journey to follow Jesus can have some dark seasons or experiences.
Furthermore, the shepherds who were keeping watch in the field at night received a host of angels who announced the birth of Christ the Lord. Consider what the angel said to them in Luke 2:10-12, sending them off to find this newborn, heralded with angelic glory.
But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
Upon experiencing such a massive shock, the shepherds set off in a hurry to find the newborn baby lying in a manger. Do you ever wonder what their search was like, going throughout Bethlehem and checking mangers looking for a newborn?
Finally, there’s another person who put in motion a massive search for the baby he heard was the King of the Jews. Consider that King Herod was very threatened by the arrival of this baby with a massive prophetic identity. Herod sent the wisemen to look for the baby, but when he learned of the duplicity of the wisemen, he ordered all of the male babies who were in Bethlehem and under the age of two to be slaughtered. Thankfully, God warned Joseph in a dream about this danger, and he escaped with Mary and Jesus to Egypt. They lived there in safety until they returned to Nazareth after Herod’s death. As we come to the end of part two of this blog series, let’s think about what we look for—the search engines that drive us in various pursuits. What are we looking for? And truly, is there anyone or anything that is more fulfilling, grounding, rewarding or soothing than living in daily communion with Jesus? Let’s pay attention to our pursuits and searches, making sure that what we are seeking is truly the desire of our heart!