Can you imagine having to suddenly gather your children and then fleeing for your lives, bringing only what you can carry in a suitcase or two as you leave your home and everything else behind?
We’re seeing this happen right now to countless families all across Ukraine.
I invite you to join with me in expressing God’s genuine love in a very tangible and meaningful way to these desperate families in Ukraine.
We want to help raise $500,000 for our field partners in Ukraine—who already have “boots on the ground”—so they can immediately begin providing 10,000 emergency food boxes to families who are fleeing for their lives from the invading Russian army. Each of these boxes will sustain a family of four or five for an entire week and costs only $50. We will also include a book of Scriptures in each box to bring hope and spiritual comfort in the midst of this horrible situation.
Please take a minute right now to watch this video as I share my heart with you about what we can do now to bring hope and life to these frightened and hurting families.