I suspect that you might be going through some upheaval and uncertainty. If you don’t have that in your life, then it’s easy to find turmoil in the news and events happening in our nation. In my current life, there have been some big ups and downs with various COVID exposures, quarantining, testing, etc. Additionally, I’m massively excited about my new book that’s now available because I think it’s the best book I’ve written to date!! Be sure to get your copy & if you’d be inclined to do a review on Amazon, Goodreads, etc., I’d be abundantly grateful!
Nevertheless, I was thinking about the current pendulum swings in my life, emotions, family, our nation and immediate communities. It seems to me that many of us might feel like we’re on a rollercoaster ride, with exhilarating peaks and gut-wrenching plummets.
I like riding actual rollercoasters, but I’m not keen on doing life in a rollercoaster mode, with everything in the extreme undulation setting. This mode is disconcerting and I find it difficult to navigate and make wise decisions when so much around me (and in my interior) seems to be in the peaks and plummets setting.
Thankfully, I had a really helpful experience this morning during an interview for my new book. One of the gentlemen doing the interview talked about how faithful and stable God is, no matter how unstable or even unfaithful we might be. I found these words to be incredibly helpful and I still feel their echo in my soul as I’m writing this blog. His words also sparked me to look to God as my “Rock.”
It’s interesting to note that “rock” is used in the Bible at least 130 times, depending on the translation and more than 30 times in the book of Psalms. Some of the verses that refer to God being our rock include:
Ps 62:2, “He only is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken.“
Ps 94:22, “But the Lord has been my stronghold, And my God the rock of my refuge.”
Ps 71:3, “Be to me a rock of habitation to which I may continually come; You have given commandment to save me, For You are my rock and my fortress.”
When I feel the world shifting around me, when my emotions get really intense, when I’m involved in heated conversations, when there’s tension in my relationships, it’s helpful to remember that God is my rock. God can also be your rock and steady fortress. To this end, let’s keep God as the default setting for our thoughts and focal point. When the pressures and instabilities of life increase, we would be wise to bring God as our focal point closer and more frequent in our daily living.
We will no doubt go through seasons and experiences in life that have peaks and valleys because that’s the nature of life. Let us, therefore, remain committed to keep God as the rock, foundation, refuge and central focus in our lives, helping us to navigate with grace and poise in the fluctuations of life!