Stuff that’s behind-the-scenes can sometimes be even more interesting than an actual event or presentation. For example, I really like the movie Ford v Ferrari because it kind of gives the backstory for Ken Miles racing in the Le Mans car race in France in 1966. I recognize that Hollywood takes a lot of liberties to make the big screen a financial success, but the backstory is nonetheless very compelling.
I also think that there were lots of interesting experiences behind-the-scenes for Jesus’ disciples. It’s certainly possible that Jesus had a great sense of humor, He might have been a little mischievous, and maybe He preferred to sleep in a boat with the waves soothing Him to nod off. I’m keen to know what it was like to be with Jesus behind-the-scenes and not just His outward-facing public interactions.
To this end, Jesus had some core guys among His disciples, who seemed to experience some of the private moments with Jesus. Peter, James, and John are Jesus’ selected insiders, as we can see, on some very unique experiences with Jesus. For starters, these three guys are some of the first people to get a multiplication miracle, as we read about in Luke 5 with the supernatural catch of fish and Jesus calling them to be fishers of men. While Jesus had been talking to the masses from Peter’s boat on Galilee, the personal experience with Jesus caused these three guys to drop their nets and follow Jesus.
Furthermore, Jesus took Peter, James, and John into the room with Jairus’ dead daughter, while He kicked out everyone else except the girls’ parents. In this behind-the-scene experience, Jesus brought this girl back to life and these three disciples were the first-hand observers of possibly Jesus’ first resurrection.
Additionally, Jesus invited Peter, James, and John up on a mountain to see and experience Jesus’ transfiguration, His conversation with Moses and Elijah, and hear the Father affirm His pleasure with Jesus. Consider that these three disciples were asleep on the mountain and woke up to Jesus glowing and chatting with Moses and Elijah. That must have been a major shocker, jolting them awake for such a dramatic behind-the-scenes experience!
Finally, Jesus invited Peter, James, and John to keep watch with Him in Gethsemane when Jesus was severely stressed to the point of sweating like drops of blood. When did these disciples ever get to see or experience Jesus being so intensely strained? Jesus included these men in this behind-the-scenes experience, overflowing with intense anxiety. Jesus asking the Father to figure out a different path but also surrendering to the Father’s will. And again, these three disciples fall asleep and missed some of this unique opportunity.
My point in bringing all of this to your awareness is to raise the possibility in your mind that you can have a greater connection and deeper experience with Jesus behind-the-scenes. Sometimes I think we can settle for knowing Jesus in the status quo religious contexts of going to church / watching church online, doing a Bible study or Sunday school group, doing a daily quiet time, etc. I think all of these things can be really wonderful. But I also think that we can know Jesus on even deeper levels. We can look for Him in our daily living, talk with Him in the car, and sing our own worship songs to Jesus. We can also ask for greater awareness of His presence in our lives by paying attention to the sunshine and sunrise, taking a walk with Him, recognizing His provisions in our lives, and lots more!